ece311 week 1 discussion 1 RESPONSE m b psychology homework help

January 12, 2021

ece311 week 1 discussion 1 RESPONSE m b psychology homework help

Respond with advice on how to address the differences between their teaching philosophy and the required curriculum.5 sentences or more.

Creative Curriculum

I am naturally a creative person. My curriculum would be more creative than anything else. I am a more hands on person that like to get my students involved in their assignments. I would like a classroom that is bright and full of pictures. My students would feel comfortable to express their creative minds. I would have included in my curriculum building blocks, story time that includes that class acting out or having a puppets included, and I would also include music during the time the children are having free time or working on a projects or assignments. I love playing games. There would be lots of games that involves the children moving around or using their body as movement. I know children minds can get bored or zone out so as a teacher you have to constantly keep them engage. The best way in my opinion is hands on activities.

Montessori vs. Creative Curriculum

If I had to adapt to a new curriculum that was not similar to the way I teach I would definitely have to see the benefits of the new curriculum. The Montessori lessons and materials are organized and sequenced throughout the entire classroom. Montessori classrooms would be something to get use especially sense it’s more organized and calmer. There children are probably not as free to be hands on in their curriculum. I like how in the Montessori classrooms the children are able to move free around the classroom but they must stay in their chosen task. Which teaches a child if you start something you must complete the task. That is a great concept and would not mind teaching and using that concept.

Jaruszewicz, C. (2012). Curriculum and methods for early childhood educators [Electronic version]. Retrieved from

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