economic writing

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economic writing

You need to have read Chapter 3 inThe Elusive Quest for Growth and Chapter 1 in Poor Economics to answer these questionsYou should include three paragraphs.Answer these three questions, with each question taking one paragraph:You should have approximately 1 page double spaced in total.Both books acknowledge that the Solow model of growth does not seem to apply to poor and developing countries

1.Explain why Easterly believes poor countries do not grow as the Solow model predicts

2.Explain why Banarjee and Duflo believe poor countries do not grow as the Solow model predicts

3.Whose answer do you agree with more?Explain why.

Book reading: 1. Poor Economics: A Radical Rethinking of the way to fight global poverty, by Abhijit Banarjee and Esther Duflo. read chapter 1.

2. The Elusive Quest for Growth , by William Easterly , read chapter 3

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