EEC1971 Rasmussen College Module 4 Learners Accommodations Assignment

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EEC1971 Rasmussen College Module 4 Learners Accommodations Assignment

Effective teachers plan ahead! In this module, you will complete the following sections of your Comprehensive Lesson Plan

Learners Accommodations

Accommodations for Multiple Age Groups

Learner Accommodation Resource Analysis

Lesson Assessment

First, take time to research learner accommodation resources/strategies.

Research Tips:

When completing research, be sure that you locate reputable sites. State and national organizations as well as the School of Education Guide are great places to start. Wiki and are not acceptable because they can be manipulated by anyone and this reduces the credibility of the sites.

As you research, consider how you will use the resource in your daily practice as an early educator

Next, choose one resource from your research to use in comprehensive lesson plan. You will provide the link to the resource and identify how the resource or strategy assisted you in your lesson planning for diverse learners.

Then, complete the lesson plan components listed above and Save using the new his name for this assignment.

To create one comprehensive lesson plan, follow the steps below

Open your Module 03 Comprehensive Lesson Plan assignment. Be sure to make any changes based on your instructor’s feedback

Open the Module 04 Comprehensive Lesson Plan Template

Copy and paste the entire Module 04 Template on to the bottom of your revised Module 03 Comprehensive Lesson Plan

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