essay on one of the 17 California Propositions on the ballot November 8th political science homework help

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essay on one of the 17 California Propositions on the ballot November 8th political science homework help

Write a 4-5 page typed, double spaced, spell checked, regular 12 font essay on one of the 17 California Propositions on the ballot November 8th. The paper will include the following:

1) What will the Proposition do if passed by the voters 2) The Yes and No side Arguments for the Proposition,

3) how much money is being raised and spent on the Proposition (looking on the CA Secretary of States’ website is a great resource to find that info),

4) are there are TV commercials, youtube clips about the Proposition, do they think they are effective why or why not,

5) How will you be voting on the Proposition and why,

6) What are at least 3 factors like your age or gender that influenced your vote.

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