Explain about nicotine patch that was prescribed for a patient after an appointment with smoking specialist nurse.

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Explain about nicotine patch that was prescribed for a patient after an appointment with smoking specialist nurse.

Explain about nicotine patch that was prescribed for a patient after an appointment with smoking specialist nurse.
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Field of Nursing (Mental Health)

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i) was about nicotine patch that was prescribed for a patient after an appointment with smoking specialist nurse. I noticed each time the patient was offered the patch she would find excuses to refuse it. I then had a discussion about this with the patient in which she revealed that she genuinely didn’t want to stop smoking even though she understood the consequences and concerns professionals had about her excessively, uncontrolled smoking habit that was gradually threatening her treatment progress. Fears of her relapsing into class A drugs were real. She was on rehab placement, Mental health status (Dols)

ii) Discussed and informed a new admission patients of their rights and what to do in the event of raising a complaint. The patient Mental status was informal.
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