Explain factors for determining the client’s stage of change and identify which stage of change the client is in.

Describe at least one nursing practice that is supported by the evidence in the articles. Justify your response with specific references to at least 2 of the articles.Paper , Order, or Assignment Requirements.
February 19, 2021
Topic: Human Resources and Staffing Crisis at Blumbergs Nursing Home Order Descr Topic: Human Resources and Staffing Crisis at Blumbergs Nursing Home Order Description
February 19, 2021

Explain factors for determining the client’s stage of change and identify which stage of change the client is in.

Explain factors for determining the client’s stage of change and identify which stage of change the client is in.

stages of change model suggests that clients who are in the process of changing addictive behavior move through successive stages, from limited insight to maintenance of change. These stages will be presented by the client’s attitudes and behaviors. It is the job of the clinician to identify the correct stage and employ specific interventions for the treatment to be successful. Most clients opting for an assessment will likely be in the early stages of change.

The major tenets of motivational interviewing were designed to provide clinicians with tools to facilitate the change process in clients. Extensive research supports its effectiveness and it has become the standard in the past decade. These techniques are grounded in the client-centered approach rather than the confrontational approach to substance abuse treatment used in previous decades.

Use the module readings and the Argosy University online library resources to research motivational interviewing and the stages of change model.

Download and review the case study.

Respond to the following: case is on file downloaded.

Explain factors for determining the client’s stage of change and identify which stage of change the client is in.
What two motivational interviewing techniques would be helpful in assessing substance abuse in this case? Give reasons and explanations.
Support your responses using your module readings and authoritative resources. Incorporate theory and factual information in your response.




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