explore the role of sensorial experience assignment help

January 12, 2021

explore the role of sensorial experience assignment help

After reading, screening video and researching one selected artist from Intro Paper, please use this forum to speculate on the future of digital art using your artist as the subject point. In particular, explore the role of ‘sensorial’ experience (smell, touch, sound, etc). Please find an original and unique example of sensorial art &or design to illustrate the points you make. Include screen shots and links for people to follow and research. Your forum entry, if written, should be essay length 4-5 paragraphs. If you choose to do a media presentation, consider 7-10 pptx slides or 3-4 minute video. Media work should include voice over or narration.

Typically Sissel Tolass, Gregory Crewdson & Anne Hamilton, Bruce Nauman and Ryoji Ikeda are favorite research subjects among digital art students

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