familiarize you with the way psychologists conduct research and communicate their findings to the public.

February 1, 2021
The psychology of one’s gender is personal in both its experience and expression.
February 1, 2021

familiarize you with the way psychologists conduct research and communicate their findings to the public.

Purpose:  The purpose of this assignment is to familiarize you with the way psychologists conduct research and communicate their findings to the public.  By completing this assignment, you will learn how research is conducted and presented in psychological journals.  In doing this assignment you will use your critical thinking skills and your writing skills to successfully complete this assignment.  You will also learn how to critique a journal article.  This assignment is worth a possible 50 points.

Directions:  Using the College’s online databases, locate an APA peer-reviewed journal article that is based on a psychological concept or topic of interest to you.


  1. Identify your psychological concept or topic of interest
  2. Using the College’s online databases find a peer-reviewed article in psychological journals that is based on a psychological concept or topic of interest to you
  3. Submit your article to your instructor for approval
  4. Read your article and identify the major components of the study (i.e., the Abstract, Introduction, Methodology, Results, and Discussion)


  1. Write-Up
  2. Identify the major components of the article and briefly describe each component of the research study
  3. Write a critique of the article by discussing how the article relates to your psychological concept,or topic of interest and what you have learned as a result of reading this research study.
  4. Submit your 1st draft to your assigned peer reviewer
  5. Submit your 2nd draft to your instructor for feedback
  6. Submit your final paper to your instructor
  7. Criteria for Grading


You will need to use two sources to write this critique analysis.  The first source is your psychology textbook.   (Use the current edition of the textbook that we are using for our course).  Your textbook will assist you in better understanding your article and writing your critique.

The second source is an article from an APA approved peer-reviewed journal, preferably a journal published within the last five years that addresses a psychological concepts or topics of interest to you.    The article you select to write your critique analysis must be data-driven. That is, the research study must incorporate the experimental or correlational research design.  Moreover, the article must have the major components of a research study (i.e., An Abstract, introduction, Methodology, Results, and Discussion sections) you must use the APA Style Manual (6th Edition) to write your paper. Here’s the format for writing your paper:


  1. A title page with RUNNING HEAD, the title in the middle of the page
  2. Page numbering in the upper right corner beginning with 1 on the title page
  3. In-text citations in APA format (that means the citation follows either the quote or the paraphrase of the information provided)
  4. A reference page at the end (called References) in APA format


Template for Your Critique Assignment:

Page 1.  A title page with your name, course, instructor’s name, and title of the article you are critiquing. (APA format)


  1. Page 2.  Title of article and APA-citation


Write a summary in narrative form about your article, using the questions below as a guide. In other words, do not respond to these questions in a question/answer format.


The following questions will guide you in reading, understanding and writing this section of the assignment.


  1. What are the variables or issues of interest in the study?
  2. What is the study’s hypothesis?
  3. Who specifically were the participants in the study and how were they selected?
  4. What research method was used in the study–experimentation or correlation?
  5. What did the researcher have the participants do?  Explain in some detail.
  6. What if any ethical issues were identified in the study?
  7. What were the major findings of the research study?
  8. Why are these findings relevant to psychology?



  1. Page 3. The critique should be approximately two paragraphs and answer the

following questions in narrative format:


  1. What is the contribution of this research study to the field of psychology?
  2. In your opinion, do the research findings support the hypotheses or the research                           question?   Explain.
  3. How does this research impact you and perhaps the general public?


Finally, pace yourself.  Start early!  Formulate your plan to work on your critique.  It will be very obvious if you do not start early on this assignment.  The effect of not planning is poor learning and poor quality papers!  So be very good to yourself!

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