Final Exam Contemporary Psychodynamic Theory

Demonstrate the nursing process while creating a plan of care for a specific patient.
February 13, 2021
You’re the Judge
February 13, 2021

Final Exam Contemporary Psychodynamic Theory

Content: Using contemporary psychodynamic theory (self psychology, attachment theory, intersubjectivity, and relational theory) to inform your clinical social work treatment, write an assessment of the attached case by answering the five questions below. Please write your assessment in complete sentences, and give clear examples and rationale for your answers. You must include a minimum of four references from your readings, and you each are responsible for finding a minimum of one new reference (Berzoff et al. can count as only one of your four). You should use first-person when talking about yourselves. Attached is additional information to assist with paper. However you will still need to do your own research

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