Fostering a climate of trust

January 12, 2021

Fostering a climate of trust

Many leaders fail, because they cannot bring themselves to be dependent on others. For leaders to be effective, they need to place a level of trust in the individuals under their leadership. Leaders need the support of those individuals to be successful, and trust is an integral component in the leadership mix. To operationalize these concepts, delegation must be examined. The ability to delegate is a crucial element in the successful implementation of plans and policies

In your main post:

  1. Explain the importance of enabling others to act by creating a climate of trust and shared responsibility in a criminal justice organization.
  2. Describe how you, as the leader, would ensure that all cultures and individuals are included in the creation of a climate of trust and shared responsibility in a criminal justice organization.
  3. Assess the possible impacts of failure to create a climate of trust and shared responsibility, using two criminal justice organization examples.
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