Submit an essay that includes the following criteria (typewritten, double spaced, maximum 2 pages, with name of applicant on each page) on Nursing.
May 27, 2021
What is a personal analysis of your own experience with illness and disease?
May 27, 2021

GOV 2306 Assignment

This is a response and an opinion piece. And you may have to go beyond the text for answers. In light of the Las Vegas shootings (the worst mass shooting in US history). What is your opinion on gun ownership in the United States? In 250 to 300 words (approximately 1 page, typed, double spaced), answer the following questions (all questions must be answered for credit): 1. What section of the US Constitution guarantees the right to gun ownership? 2. As a part of our federalist system, the US Constitution offers the right to own guns. However, most laws related to gun ownership in the US fall on the individual states to determine. Do you agree with a state’s right to determine gun laws? 3. Is it possible to own a tank in the US? 4. Should we outlaw gun ownership in the US as has been done in other countries like the United Kingdom of Great Britain? You must use complete sentences. Bullet point presentations are not acceptable. Submit this as a Word document as an attachment to Course Messages.

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