Questions (choose one):
1. January of 2014 was the 50th anniversary of President Lyndon B. Johnson’s declaration of a war on poverty. How big of an issue is poverty in America today, and what are the most effective ways to address it?
Is America still the great land of opportunity — where if you work hard and play by the rules, you can make it? Take a stand and defend your position in a well-developed essay.
2. The CDC confirmed that there are now more than 100 cases of measles in the United States in January — which means, an official pointed out, that the number of cases in one month is about as many as usually occur in a whole year. A large majority of doctors believe that the recent outbreak is linked to lack of vaccination among some children, whose parents may believe that the vaccine is dangerous and that measles is not, in spite of White House statements and scientific evidence to the contrary.
This means that, in the parlance of the decades before an effective measles vaccine was developed, 2015 might be called a “measles year.â€
Should the government control vaccines for children? If so, to what extent should the government’s involvement reach? Take a stand and defend your position in a well-developed essay.
3. Binge-watching a show is a recent phenomenon in the age of Netflix. Breaking Bad’s ratings increased as its climax mostly due to binge-watchers catching up. Time permitting, binging on tv shows has benefits.
A traditional approach, conversely, is a week-to-week viewing method that allows the given show to draw out. More time is present in between episodes for analysis and reflection. Highs can provide prolonged excitement as lows can make the audience sullen until the next episode arrives.
When it comes to a personal viewing style, do you prefer binge-watching or a traditional approach? What are the benefits and downsides of each? Take a stand and defend your position in a well-developed essay.
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