Health Management Information System Enterprise Software health and medical assignment help

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Health Management Information System Enterprise Software health and medical assignment help


  • Please submit assignment 1 in a single Microsoft Word file.
  • Please remember to not only be clear, concise, and professional with your answers but also label and number your answers accordingly.

4-1. What are some of the major HMIS enterprise software solutions? Discuss the need for a data-sharing culture in implementing the various HMIS enterprise software systems.

4-2. Why would it be (or not be) beneficial to combine SCM and CRM into a single system for healthcare services organizations? What about combining SCM with ERP, or other combinations of HMIS enterprise software systems for healthcare organizations?

4-3. How should one go about standardizing service nomenclature, such as the process service names and outcomes, in order to achieve a level of ease with implementing enterprisewide software? Why must people be sold on the software and be ready to change before moving ahead with a large-scale implementation such as ERP?

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