hello there my c homework i hope you can help me it description

Topic 7 DQ 2: The effects of inadequate nurse staffing on patient care
January 16, 2021
need this questioned answered for a group project
January 16, 2021

hello there my c homework i hope you can help me it description

Hello there, this is my C++ homework .. i hope you can help me with it .. the description is for program no.1 but we r needed to do program 2, Same spec as program 1, except the class list is to be implemented as a linked list, make sure this new main program can be used as is for the array implementation of list. 


I NEED IT SHORT N EASY as soon as it can be , am in a low-level class




Implement an abstract data type usedCars with private attributes year(integer), make(string), model(string), miles(integer) and price(float), and public operations to set the values and get the values  Write a main program to read the data from the file “car.txt” Select all the cars that are less than $25,000.  Print them in ascending order according to price, when there is a tie, the newer car appears first.






The input contains many lines, with one line per car.  The first field of a line is the year, followed by the make, model, and price in that order.  The fields are separated by at least one blank.  The make and model of the car are composed of one word each, with no space allowed, the prices have a $ prefix.  For example, the input file could look like

            2001 Ford F-150  $799

            2013 BMW X3  $6900

            2007 Pontiac TA  $21000




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