hi i need someone to me my history disscution questions

geography discussion questions – VERY EASY
May 16, 2021
Evaluate the degree and quality of care that physicians, nurses, and medical technologists provide in their primary roles
May 16, 2021

hi i need someone to me my history disscution questions

The Civil War is in our consciousness of late, perhaps it never retreated. After reading your textbook (Ch. 13 & 14) the lectures, and two handouts on ideas surrounding the Civil War (Foner and Cook), what do you think is the legacy of the Civil War? Who or what do Civil War monument honor? How do ideas about the legitimacy (or lack of it) of the Confederate States of America influence our ideas of race in America? How do we reconcile our past with our present?

I know these are big questions. I also know that we have to start thinking about them in order to create change.

Your response should include a connection to something we’ve been studying in history (not just an agreement).

Please post your comment by Sunday at 11:59p and respond to two classmates by Monday at noon. 15 points

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