History Test: 2 Essay and define 3 terms

Pop Culture Analysis
March 13, 2021
use these verbs to give 5 sentences in present tense
March 13, 2021

History Test: 2 Essay and define 3 terms

Essay Questions

Estimated time – 17 minutes each

Answer the questions to the best of your ability, BE SPECIFIC

Pick 2 – 35 points each

  1. Why did the United States go to war with Mexico in 1845 and how did the war change the nation?
  2. Describe the debates and the legislation that makes up the Compromise of 1850.
  3. Explain how the emancipation proclamation changed the war for the Union?
  4. Explain why President Lincoln appointing General Ulysses S. Grant to overall commander of the Union war effort changed the course of the war.

Identification Terms

Estimated time – 5 minutes each

Describe and/or define 3 of the following terms, BE SPECIFIC – 10 points each

  1. Seneca Falls Convention
  2. Underground Railroad
  3. Wilmot Proviso
  4. Popular Sovereignty
  5. Kansas Nebraska Act of 1854
  6. Dred Scott v. Sandrod
  7. Senator Charles Sumner
  8. Fort Sumter
  9. First Bull Run
  10. Battle of Gettysburg
  11. Thirteenth Amendment
  12. Appomattox, Virginia (Appomattox Court House)
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