How do the variables or phenomenon addressed in your study inform the method design research questions and data collection instrument to be used assignment help

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How do the variables or phenomenon addressed in your study inform the method design research questions and data collection instrument to be used assignment help

Help answering a two part discussion question using 200 or more words, in text citations, APA format I have attached resources to use to help with answering the questions.

Part 1

How do the variables or phenomenon addressed in your study inform the method, design, research questions, and data collection instrument to be used? What are two instruments that might be used to gather data for your study? Why do you believe these instruments will gather the appropriate data to answer the research questions and address the problem?

Part 2

Between now and the beginning of the dissertation sequence, no additional input on the literature review will be given to you. You have approximately one year to draft the literature review so it is prepared when you enter the dissertation phase. Create and post a project plan that describes how you will complete a full draft of your literature review in the time available. How will you stay current with the literature over the next number of years until you complete the dissertation?

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