How to create a specific plan of action with goals and measurable objectives?

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June 12, 2021

How to create a specific plan of action with goals and measurable objectives?

How to create a specific plan of action with goals and measurable objectives?

It is up to an organization’s leaders to choose or define the general direction or vision for the company’s future (Zuckerman, 2012). Now is the time to create a specific plan of action with goals and measurable objectives in order to achieve that vision. In order to do so, the company’s leaders need a wide range of information from a multitude of perspectives since those leaders often toil away at the corporate level far removed from the day-to-day operations of smaller entities and even smaller departments.

For example, if the company’s vision were to become the number one place to work as well as the premier surgical destination in the United States, the people involved in forming the strategy to achieve that would span multiple departments and locations. To come up with relevant, achievable goals you must involve the people they affect and those who will be doing the work to accomplish them.

For this example we could imagine department heads and select staff members of human resources, surgery, nursing, admin, marketing, billing, emergency medicine, cardiology, imaging, laboratory, urology, oncology, neurology, pediatrics, etc., all the way down to housekeeping. Everyone matters, because they are the organization, they know what needs doing, and possibly how best to achieve it. They also will provide the information regarding the culture of the organization such as what parts of the internal environment work and which require improvement (UNM, n.d.).




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