how to set up a booth

Submit a document describing your approved aggregate in detail. Phase 2: Describing the Aggregate due 01/18/16,
April 7, 2021
Discuss the following nursing interventions and provide an evidence based rationale for the interventions you propose
April 7, 2021

how to set up a booth

(Consider adding a meaningful image)

Festival Booth Instruction Manual


Name of event

Festival Booth Construction




The physical requirements that would be needed to set up the booth in detail. For example, does the person assembling the booth need to be able to comfortably lift 25lbs?


List out all of the necessary details needed to set up the booth


List any equipment needed to set up the booth (screw driver, bolts, hammer, etc.)


Discuss any safety measures that should be taken in the process of building the booth



1.Step by Step instructions on the preparation needed to build the booth. Be sure to add references throughout the instruction manual to the diagrams (e.g. Figure 1)

Instructions on assembling the booth

Step by step instructions on how to build the booth. Be sure to add references throughout the instruction manual to the diagrams.

Finishing and Adding the Sign

1.Stop by step instructions on the final steps of finishing up the booth and adding the signs. Be sure to add references throughout the instruction manual to the diagrams (e.g. Figure 1)


Add any diagrams that will assist in the assembly of the booth. Be sure to label each diagram (e.g. figure 1)


Brief description (or images) of what the booth should look like upon completion

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