humanities module 5 and 6 discussion and reply post for both

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May 27, 2021
Psychology writing assignment
May 27, 2021

humanities module 5 and 6 discussion and reply post for both

Module 5: Respond to one viewing/reading source (200 words minimum) and then to at least two other student posts (15 points/5 pts/5 pts). At least 300 words total are expected (add word count). Write directly in the typing field. Always title your post with the name of the program/article, so people know at a glance your focus. I might award a point for clever and relevant links, but please – no tired memes or tweets, and absolutely nothing cruel or off-color.

Reminder: between your original post and your peer responses, you must end up having commented on at least two different topics. This means you may have to wait until someone chimes in on another topic than yours — hence obliging you to go back and rejoin the discussion!

For your main response, choose one topic and answer at least two of the discussion points:

How did ancient Greek music sound?

What do we learn about Greek music from this article – its composition, its performance? How has Armand D’Angour recreated those ancient musical ideas? And how has David Creese specifically managed to reconstruct/perform the musical epitaph of Seikilos? How do you like it? And the other performance? (Think about our earlier discussion of imagined Neanderthal music, too.) Finally, what does Seikolos’ epitaph suggest about the Greek attitude towards life?

The Democratic Experiment

Consider our modern notion of representative democracy vs. the Greek concept of direct democracy. How are the two different, and who would share in each? What specific historical details (name at least two) does Paul Cartledge give to explain the idea’s development in Athens. As young voters who have a voice in the future of your country, how do you value (or not) the origins of democracy in Classical Greece? Were you even aware of it?

Module 6: Respond to one viewing/reading source (200 words minimum) and then to at least two other student posts (15 points/5 pts/5 pts). At least 300 words total are expected (add word count). Write directly in the typing field. Remember that you may have to wait until someone chimes in on another topic than yours — hence obliging you to go back and rejoin the discussion.

For this week’s discussion board, you don’t have any additional readings. Instead, choose one of the options below and try your hand at being philosophers! The responses you generate and contribute should develop a dialectic (we hope).Links are welcome if germane — including a well-chosen meme, image, or news story, in this case (e.g. a Darwin Award). But no silly urban legend stories!

1) Consider the metaphor operating in Plato’s Parable of the Cave. Are we living like we have blinders on, perceiving only a distorted reality? If so, how can we become enlightened? Again, give examples to illustrate how/why this is the case and what someone did about it. As such, also propose some public/historical figure to fit the role of the enlightened martyr suggested at the end of the video.

2) Pick one of these three celebrated maxims and take a position on it. Explain what you think the expression means and put it into practice, giving examples from your own life, lives of friends or acquaintances, or even a public figure if you prefer. Obviously don’t discuss anything that’s too personal or uncomfortable. The idea is to express your understanding of the idea, as you see it, and demonstrate how it might work in real life.

  • Protagoras: Man is the measure of all things.
  • Heraclitus the Obscure: It is not possible to step in the same river twice.
  • Socrates: The unexamined life is not worth living.

3) Alternatively, formulate your own syllogism,explain why it’s logically consistent (which is different to it being necessarily true, remember), and defend your conclusion. A simple syllogism: dogs are carnivores; Fido is a dog; therefore, Fido eats meat. Try for something more profound, obviously — again, giving personal or public examples to illustrate and support your premises and conclusion. As a response to someone else’s syllogism, comment on why it is or isn’t consistent and express opinions about the conclusion(s) drawn from it.

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