Is it reasonable for anyone to rely exclusively on Social Security as retirement income law homework help

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March 9, 2023

Is it reasonable for anyone to rely exclusively on Social Security as retirement income law homework help

It is anticipated that by 2012, Social Security will spend more than it receives and that its trust fund will be depleted by 2029.

Please respond to all of the following prompts:

  • Is it reasonable for anyone to rely exclusively on Social Security as retirement income?
  • Was that the original intent of Social Security?
  • What reasonable alternatives to Social Security are available?
  • Do you expect to receive any significant income from Social Security when you retire? Why or why not?
  • What measures should be taken in order to protect the system from collapse?
  • Can the U.S. afford to protect Social Security?
  • Can the U.S. afford NOT to protect Social Security?
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