Jesus selflessly gives himself to rescue those under the curse of sin.

Human resources and community resources also play an important role in the economic development processes
July 14, 2021
briefly state why you think the passage is an argument or non-argument,
July 14, 2021

Jesus selflessly gives himself to rescue those under the curse of sin.

$12 Summaries

With each word being worth 10 cents, write 4 (four) $12 summaries of the weekly reading from Everyday Bible Study (Chapters 23-26). This means that you are developing 4 summaries of 120 words each (1 for each of the 4 chapters in this week’s reading). The goal in this assignment is to create four summaries where each summary is between 100-120 words. You should not exceed the $12 (120-word) limit for any of your four summaries.

Week Five: A $12 Summary Example

Chapter 2: Human Condition (120 words)

Sin is the disease that has infected every human being. The proper theological term for this is “original sin.” The viciousness of original sin has altered our nature that it is “so deeply curved in upon itself” (Grunewald, p. 21). The implications of this for our human condition is that “sin is not simply something we choose to do or not do; sin is our nature. We aren’t sinners because we sin. We sin because we are sinners” (Grunewald, p.26). The answer to our human condition is found in the Gospel, or more correctly, the person of the Gospel. Rather than being plagued by a “me first” spirit, Jesus selflessly gives himself to rescue those under the curse of sin.

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