Joan is 44 and stressed out by her work and her boss who expects too much of her. She wants to leave work, but she can’t. She needs the money and doesn’t have the confidence to find a new job. Her stomach is constantly in knots and she can’t sleep at night. She is depressed as well as anxious. Her husband and children think she’s neurotic as she is forgetful and oscillates between being attentive and vague.

Analyze and evaluate the argument presented by the authors. Did they successfully build the argument as to why readers should care about their research question? –
July 10, 2021
The purpose of this assignment is to create a fundraising plan for a nonprofit sports organization of your choice –
July 10, 2021

Joan is 44 and stressed out by her work and her boss who expects too much of her. She wants to leave work, but she can’t. She needs the money and doesn’t have the confidence to find a new job. Her stomach is constantly in knots and she can’t sleep at night. She is depressed as well as anxious. Her husband and children think she’s neurotic as she is forgetful and oscillates between being attentive and vague.

Joan is 44 and stressed out by her work and her boss who expects too much of her. She wants to leave work, but she can’t. She needs the money and doesn’t have the confidence to find a new job. Her stomach is constantly in knots and she can’t sleep at night. She is depressed as well as anxious. Her husband and children think she’s neurotic as she is forgetful and oscillates between being attentive and vague.



No sources please this is a mock counselling dialogue. One page for each scenario. A writer with a psychology background – the same as last order would be great (#81487808) or an Australian, English as first language preferred please. Question:
For the Interview script carefully read the scenario below. The script should be in full sentences or ‘dialogue’, clear and logically presented as you would say it to the client.
You are a counsellor working with City Counselling Service. For each scenario below:
Write a script of what you would say as a counsellor for this client. Include possible responses from your client (you need to use your imagination). Write your script as you would say it to the client. Be sure to identify the need area identified in each both scenarios. Write your Q&As under each subheading.

1(a). Client I
Alex is 19 years old and a drug addict. Alex has been abusing drugs since he was 14. His father was a strong and unfeeling disciplinarian; his mother related warmly to him but was never able to talk to Alex about his feelings. Alex’s parents are quite religious. Alex has felt unwanted and ‘not good enough’ for many years. He found solace in the drug culture and the high, which combated the ‘empty, inadequate feeling’. He did make a commitment to the same faith as his parents when he was young, but he never felt accepted by the kids in the youth group, whereas he felt that he was accepted by those in the drug culture. Alex has been in trouble with the law


and his mother, in desperation, has made an appointment for him with Community Counselling Services. Alex doesn’t hold out much hope for his counselling although he would like to get clean.

(ii) Welcome
(iii) Explain service
Include things such as length of appointment and referrals, costs, confidentiality/duty of care, informed consent, etc.
(iv) Help with any anxieties about counselling
(v) Seek their story and provide encouragement

(vi) Plan/referral to achieve their goals

1(a). Client Two
(i) Joan is 44 and stressed out by her work and her boss who expects too much of her. She wants to leave work, but she can’t. She needs the money and doesn’t have the confidence to find a new job. Her stomach is constantly in knots and she can’t sleep at night. She is depressed as well as anxious. Her husband and children think she’s neurotic as she is forgetful and oscillates between being attentive and vague. A friend told her that you were a good counsellor and she has come to Community Counselling Services
(ii) Welcome
(iii) Explain service
Include things such as length of appointment and referrals, costs, confidentiality/duty of care, informed consent, etc.
(iv) Help with any anxieties about counselling
(v) Seek their story and provide encouragement

(vi) Plan/referral to achieve their goals

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The post Joan is 44 and stressed out by her work and her boss who expects too much of her. She wants to leave work, but she can’t. She needs the money and doesn’t have the confidence to find a new job. Her stomach is constantly in knots and she can’t sleep at night. She is depressed as well as anxious. Her husband and children think she’s neurotic as she is forgetful and oscillates between being attentive and vague. appeared first on Cheap Nursing Tutors.

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