read both article and write comparison and contrast essay
May 19, 2021
Compare the U.S. health system with United Kingdom’s health system and discuss how the international community can come together in addressing healthcare issues using best practices from all over the world.
May 19, 2021

Journal assignment

Compose an argument on a moral issue that is important to you that relies on one or more of the following moral theories:

  • Just War Theory
  • Ethics of Care
  • Egoism
  • Environmental Ethics
  • Libertarianism
  • Social Justice Theory

The argument should have these elements:

  • Introduce the moral issue (explain why it is a moral issue. Be sure to understand what rises to the level of a moral issue and what does not).
  • Take a firm declarative position on one side of the issue (this is your claim or premise). This is usually in the form of a thesis sentence.
  • Support your position with one or more of the moral theories above. Make sure you understand the theory you are applying.
  • Support your position with facts. Key supporting credible factual evidence adds weight and credibility to your position. Make sure to reference a source within your text.
  • Moral theory and facts may be woven together.
  • Consider and refute a counterclaim. The other side has an argument too! What is the best line of argument the other side would make? Raise it and respond to it.
  • Conclude with why your issue is important and why your position matters.
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