kleptomania – GradSchoolPapers.com

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kleptomania – GradSchoolPapers.com

Order Description
Basic Requirements
• 4-5 pages long
• Based on 1 addiction, 1 perspective, and several suggestions on how to deal with it from a strength-based perspective
• At least 3 resources that are included as in-text citations throughout paper and listed in the Works Cited page (properly formatted)
• References cited in MLA or APA format (choose one and stick to it!)
• Checked against SafeAssign for plagiarism
• Due start of class time in Week 10
• 35% of overall grade
The final research paper involves exploring one addiction from a specific point of view. You may choose any addiction discussed in the course materials—either a drug or alcohol addiction, or a behavioral addiction such as gambling.
You may also choose any point of view from which to approach your research—the person with the addiction, the social worker, the significant other, the parent, the child, the sibling, the friend, etc.
You must explain how the person with the addiction, or the family/friend/partner/social worker, can address the addiction from a strengths-based perspective.
The final research paper should be 4-5 pages long and should reference at least 3 resources in APA or MLA format. You must refer to the references using in-text citations (in parenthesis) throughout the paper, and then include the full APA or MLA citations listed in a Works Cited page. The final paper is due in Week 10. The total final paper mark is worth 15% of your final grade.
Please be specific about the addiction you are researching. For example, under the category of drug addiction you may choose to research heroin, crystal meth, or marijuana, all of which have different effects on the body and mind of the person with the addiction. Your research results will vary for each of these addictions, so it is important to narrow down your choice. It is not enough to state the category of drug—such as “depressant” or “stimulant”—be sure to state which specific drug you have chosen. The same holds true for behavioral disorders—for example, do not simply state “eating disorders,” specify anorexia, bulimia, or overeating.
Remember that you are primarily writing a research paper about your chosen addiction. However, I have asked you to write the paper from a specific point of view and describe how the addiction can be dealt with using a strength-based perspective—this should guide the overall thesis of your paper. Here are some examples:
• If I am writing about heroin addiction from the perspective of the parent, my paper might focus on how heroin addiction affects the family unit and the signs that parents can look for to detect possible heroin addiction in their children, then how they can support their child from a strength-based perspective.
• If I am writing about anorexia from the perspective of the social worker, my paper might focus on how to detect the underlying issues that led to the eating disorder or on specific strength-based treatment programs for anorexia.
• If I am writing about gambling addiction from the perspective of the significant other, my paper might focus on how this behavioral addiction affects relationships and the structure of the family, and how the family can work together to provide strength-based support for the loved one with a gambling disorder.
• If I am writing about alcoholism from the perspective of the alcoholic, my paper might focus on how people struggling with alcoholism can prevent relapse from occurring or the effects of strength-based group treatment programs.
These examples are simply suggestions to get you started. The research assignment is open-ended. Feel free to develop your own question or thesis based on what you have researched or what you would like to explore further. The narrative can be FICTIONAL or based on REAL PEOPLE. But it’s up to you how much or how little you want to disclose personal information to the class (during the presentation component).
The final research paper should be 4-5 pages long and should reference at least 3 resources in MLA or APA format. You are welcome to use more than the 3 resources. Please submit the final paper on BLACKBOARD at the start of class in Week 10—use the link provided in the Week 10 under Course Information.
Review the grading rubric for more details about earning full credit for the final research paper:
(85-100) COMPETENT
(60-84) NOVICE
LENGTH (20%) Responds thoughtfully in at least 4-5 pages. Responds thoughtfully in 3-4 pages. Less than 3 pages. No participation and/or response is not related to topic.
QUALITY OF RESPONSE (50%) Research is discussed knowledgeably and in the student’s own words. Thesis is well-explained. Research is discussed minimally and/or thesis is not well-explained.
Research is discussed minimally and thesis is not well-explained.
No participation and/or response is not related to topic.
WRITING SKILLS (20%) Paper is well-organized with a specific thesis and minimal grammatical errors. Paper is poorly organized and/or does not have a thesis and/or has grammatical errors. Paper is poorly organized, does not have a thesis, and has many grammatical errors. No participation and/or response is not related to topic.
CITING REFERENCES (10%) At least 3 resources are cited in MLA or APA format with in-text citations. Less than 3 resources and/or no MLA or APA format and/or no in-text citations. Less than 3 resources and no MLA or APA format and no in-text citations. No participation and/or response is not related to topic.

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