leadership and organizational

project paper 26
April 14, 2021
A5- Psychology and Society
April 14, 2021

leadership and organizational

question 1

  • What benefits can a diverse workforce provide to an organization?
  • What are the possible negative consequences for an organization that does not embrace diversity?
  • What strategies can managers implement to enhance cultural awareness and overcome preconceived biases or stereotypes? If you have examples from your own experience, or from recent examples in the news, please make sure to include those in your response.

Question 2

Daniel Goleman, a psychologist, was the first to popularize the trait Emotional Intelligence, sometimes referred to as EI. Emotional Intelligence is a person’s capacity to be aware of her or his emotions and feelings towards others to influence their thinking and actions. The four components of EI are

  1. Self-awareness – This is your ability to read your own emotions accurately to know how your actions or lack thereof affect others.
  2. Self-management – This is your ability to control or regulate your emotions and act with integrity.
  3. Social-awareness – Gives you the ability to understand the needs of others and show empathy towards them.
  4. Relationship management – this is your ability to communicate clearly and convincingly, reduce conflict and build strong bonds.
  • How has your emotional intelligence, or lack of emotional intelligence, positively or negatively impacted your professional or personal relationships?
  • Choose ONE of the components of EI and explain how it contributes to job satisfaction.
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