excel spreadsheet 2287422 2
August 7, 2021
why didnt mammals evovle more during mesozoic era
August 7, 2021

learning psy

1. Click this link – http://www.learner.org/resources/series138.html. When you get to the webpage, scroll down a bit and click the “VoD” link to the right of the program description for Video #8 called “Learning”. This video is about 26-minutes in length. Point out which part of the video you found most interesting or intriguing? Explain why.


2. Imagine that you have a pet (e.g., dog, cat), that you would like to toilet train so that they will go to the appropriate location (e.g., the backyard, bathroom, or litter box). How would you train your pet to do so? Choose ONE of the following conditioning types and explain your answer thoroughly.


(a) Classical Conditioning


(b) Operant Conditioning

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