Literature  Book Review
May 11, 2023
Literature  Rip van winkle and Neighbor Rosicky
May 11, 2023

Literature  4-6 pages essay

1. Oedipus the King2. Old Testament3. Bhagavad-Gītā4. Analects5. ZhuangziWrite a 4- to 6-page essay that analyzes one of the works.Your essay must be an argument that provides your interpretation/analysis of the work and supports that claim with appropriate and sufficient details (evidence) from the work.  Your interpretation must come from your own reading and thinking about the work—not from critical or literary analyses you have read about it (including CliffsNotes and SparkNotes).Requirements for Sources:  Minimum 3 sources (besides the chosen work)You must find outside sources to support your work.  These sources should be reliable and authoritative. Consider what PERSPECTIVE you’d like to use to examine the work(s).  Look up perspectives and their explanations in the Course Glossary.  Some examples include the following:✓ Cultural Perspective✓ Historical Perspective✓ Psychological Perspective✓ Marxist Perspective✓ Biographical Perspective✓ Feminist Perspective✓ Formalist Perspective▪ Or, consider a SPECIFIC LITERARY TOOL that the author used that you’d like to explore more deeply. Some examples include the following:✓ Characterization✓ Language✓ Symbolism

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