1. Now that you have read the adapted passage three times, it seems pretty easy! Let’s look at the original Latin and compare the two. By the way, the passage is from Augustus’ autobiography Res Gestae (Deeds).Original Latin [Res Gestae chapter 21]Adapted Latin· In privato solo Martis Ultoris templum forumque Augustum ex manibiis feci. Theatrum ad aedem Apollinis in solo magna ex parte a privatis empto feci, quod sub nomine M. Marcelli generi mei esset. Dona ex manibiis in Capitolio et in aede divi Iuli et in aede Apollinis et in aede Vestae et in templo Martis Ultoris consacravi, quae mihi constiterunt HS circiter milliens. Auri coronari pondo triginta et quinque millia municipiis et colonis Italiae conferentibus ad triumphos meos quintum consul remisi, et postea, quotienscumque imperator appellatus sum, aurum coronarium non accepi decernentibus municipiis et colonis aeque benigne adque antea decreverant.· Ego scripsi me fecisse in privata terra templum Martis forumque Augusti divitiis belli. Quoque feci theatrum habens nomen M. Marcelli, mei nati, ad templum Apollinis in terra quam emi a privatis civibus. Consecravi dona e divitiis belli in Capitolio et in templo divi Iuli, et in templis Apollinis, Vestae, et Martis quae omnia empta erant magna pecunia. Remisi oppidis et colonis Italiae auras coronas datas ad triumphos meos. Quod saepe imperator vocatus sum, non sentio auras coronas missas benigne a oppidis et colonis debere accipi a me.In a discussion board posting after performing the required tasks, answer the following questions:Compare the adapted Latin to the authentic Latin.1. Using a Latin dictionary, what words are used in the adaptation, which have a synonym in the authentic Latin? Did you know the vocabulary in the original Latin or did you figure them out based on English derivatives? What, if any, are the differences in the shades of meaning between the synonyms used in the adapted Latin vs. the vocabulary in the authentic Latin?2. Looking at the authentic Latin, are there any words that you already knew that were used in a new way?3. Look at the structure of the sentences in the adapted Latin vs. the authentic Latin. Is the structure (clauses, phrases, etc) different or are the word order and vocabulary different or have parts been omitted? What makes one passage more challenging than the other does?Must be less than 5% on TUN IT IN
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