Literature  Speech Discussion 3
May 13, 2023
Literature  Play review. Course Introduction to theatre and play ( communication 121)
May 13, 2023

Literature  Aeneid Notes

Notes with 300 words MLA styleI need notes on a favorite part of book II of the Aeneid. What are the most enjoyable parts with citations? Notes on if this is the sequel or homage of the Iliad and what is similar and dissimilar. How would you describe the gods in the Aeneid? What is their role in the story?In this forum, you will focus your response on the two major characters of the Aeneid:  Aeneas and Dido. Address at least 2 of the following prompts.Notes on adjectives to describe Aeneas and Dido and why. Descriptions of Dido. How Dido change makes people think differently about Aeneas? Meaningful similarities between Dido and Aeneas?

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