Literature  Literature discussion
May 11, 2023
Literature  bd Chimneys
May 11, 2023

Literature  Alphabet Book POWER POINT

Creating an Alphabet BookRATIONALE: Alphabet Books represent an interesting blend of educational content and often elaborate illustration, typical of picture books. However, each often has at least two underlying goals: to educate and to entertain children (young and old)But, how do authors do that? What makes a great Alphabet Book? That’s what you will have to grapple with as you create your own Alphabet Book. Remember to keep the content, illustrations, and audience in mind. Have a great time.GOAL: To Create an original Alphabet BookProject: Children’s Picture Book (Counting or Alphabet)Requirements:1. Create a children’s picture book, either a counting or an alphabet book2. Let your imagination go!!!!3. Build the book around a distinctive themeTheme endangered species4. Use an appropriate method to create the booka. You are not expected to produce a book that looks like it was professionally printed.b. It should be a PowerPoint presentation with one letter (or number) per slide.5. The book must be completed by the due date.6. Along with the book, you must present the answers to the following:i. An introduction that describes your choice of topic (what you chose and why)ii. An explanation of the choices you made in illustrating the book1. What were you trying to accomplish with the illustrations.2. How the process of creating the illustrations worked out for you (easy, difficult, etc.)7. Submit the Power Point presentation for me to grade.You may have to scan graphics into your book or use the free graphics available on the web. If you take graphics from a “non-free” site, please include a caption citing the source.Some places to start: Mrs. Alphabet Consider how you want the web page to work. Do you want one long text? Separate pages that link to each other? Plan a functional page.

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