Literature  Andrew George’s introduction to Gilgamesh

Literature  business gov and society
May 13, 2023
Literature  Unit 6 Discussion
May 13, 2023

Literature  Andrew George’s introduction to Gilgamesh

Question 1: Having read  Andrew George’s introduction to Gilgamesh (from xxxi – li), what especially strikes you about what you learn there concerning this ancient work?Question 2: Having viewed the five minute video,”I am Ashurbanipal,” concerning  a 2018 British Museum exhibit of the palace decoration of the seventh century BCE Assyrian king, what most vividly conveys the power and might of the Assyrian king (in whose library the “standard version” of The Epic of Gilgamesh was found)? How does the representation of Ashubanipal compare  (or perhaps contrast) to the narrator’s praise of Gilgamesh in Tablet I?

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