Literature  Art History Homework
May 12, 2023
May 12, 2023

Literature  Case Study

Topic:  Customer Service at Nordstrom: A Way to Mitigate Potential Conflict?The minimum scope of the case analysis must contain a minimum of 1000 words and 2 – 4 pages.  It must contain sufficient depth to demonstrate analytical skills, critical thinking, and relevant theories. After explaining theory incorporate the answers to the questions at the end of the case study.Organizational Behavior Class – Chapter outlineThe Nature of Conflicts in OrganizationsImportance of Conflict Management Skills for the ManagerFunctional vs Dysfunctional ConflictCauses of Conflict in OrganizationStructural FactorsPersonal FactorsGlobalization & ConflictForms of Conflict in OrganizationInterorganizational ConflictIntergroup ConflictIntragroup ConflictInterpersonal ConflictIntrapersonal ConflictDefense MechanismConflict Management Strategies & TechniquesEffective & Ineffective TechniquesConflict Management StylesAvoidingAccommodatingCompetingCompromisingCollaborating

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