Literature  Childrens literacy discussion

Literature  Long response questions
May 13, 2023
Literature  King Arthur
May 13, 2023

Literature  Childrens literacy discussion

Children’s literature is often categorized into fairy tales (featuring elements such as magic, mermaids, or unicorns), myths (based on a religion or belief system, such as Greek mythology), or legends (potentially based on real people or events but largely exaggerated, such as Robin Hood). Often, these types of stories, in addition to entertaining, have a moral lesson and can teach the reader about the historical and social climate at the time they were written.What are some contemporary fairytales, myths, or legends? Give some examples. How do these reflect current values and social issues? How have fairy tales, legends, and myths changed over time? What can we learn about a society’s history and social customs based on the tales that were written in a certain period?

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