Literature  Humanities 1
May 13, 2023
Literature  Community needs portion
May 13, 2023

Literature  Christian Worldview

1-  Sketch out the logical problem of evil, premises through conclusion.2-  What is the greater-good defense?3-  What is the free will defense?4-  “The success of a noseeum inference requires that it be reasonable to presume that we would be able to see X if X were to actually exist.”What does this mean?How does it related to the author’s response to the problem of evil?5-  How does the distinction between fully human and merely human help resolve the apparent inconsistency of Christ’s incarnation and dual nature?6-  What are five philosophical presuppositions that are necessary in order to do modern science? And why is science unable to ground them?7-  According to the textbook, why is Hume’s argument against miracles guilty of circular reasoning?8-  What are the six essential historical facts (data points) that are best explained by the bodily resurrection of Jesus as given in the chapter. Explain how a bodily resurrection explains these data points better than alternative explanations.9-  Do you agree that all humans possess an internal sense of the divine (sensus divinitatis)? Why or why not?10- What do you think is the strongest argument for the truthfulness of Christianity as presented in this chapter?Short answer questions (but use enough detail to clearly explain)

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