Literature  COM 201- Creating a Speech Outline

Literature  Write an essay in which you compare some of the sonnets written during the Harlem Renaissance. How do different approaches to the sonnet form signal different thematic concerns?
May 12, 2023
Literature  Discovery question
May 12, 2023

Literature  COM 201- Creating a Speech Outline

Select a Topic Topic Bank (Choose only one topic.)1. Deliver an elevator pitch that describes your professional background and experience for a potential employer during a job interview.2. Present a significant event or decision in your life and describe how it impacted you.3. Discuss your dream career or a potential business you intend to start following graduation.4. Select an object that represents a significant aspect of who you are. Describe why you chose it and explain how it represents you.Create an Outline – Using the attached template; Create an outline or speaking notes in Microsoft Word.

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