Literature  Unit 1 Assessment – What is Pop Culture?
May 11, 2023
Literature  Modern Chinese Literature- Qing Dynasty
May 11, 2023

Literature  Dicussion

Having explored Jainism and Jain Ascetic lifestyle in this week’s course content, analyze one of the following topics:Jain principle of Anekant (multiplicity of truth), Ahimsa (non-harming) and Non-possession (limitation of wants, accumulation and consumption) can help in living a happy, harmonious and prosperous life along with saving the planet and supporting sustainable development? Give the arguments to defend or reject the above statement.Choose any one of the topics of Jainism discussed in the course book, and compare and contrast it with other Indian and Western religions.Analyze the lifestyle of ascetics who travel to different places, spreading the message of nonviolence. Do you consider this phenomenon to be a source for social healing? Why, or why not? Justify your point of view.Requirements:You are required to refer to the week’s course content to defend your viewpoint300 words minimumCheck for typos, punctuation, and grammar.

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