Literature  Describe Warren Lee Goss’s feelings about the day he was to enlist in the army
May 13, 2023
Literature  Help with understanding a novel
May 13, 2023

Literature  Discussion Questions

What would Mary Wollstonecraft say about only men having to register for selective services?**This could go several different ways depending on how you apply the information.****Note: Make sure to cite the readings, in order to get full credit. Also, each initial post should be a minimum of 400 words.If Nietzsche is correct and there is no God and selfishness and apathy for others is the proper characteristic for humans, what would you be limited in doing? Do you think Nietzsche is correct in his assessment of human beings being ultimately selfish with a stronger exploiting the weaker and rising to the top?**Note: Make sure to cite the readings, in order to get full credit. Also, each initial post should be a minimum of 400 wordsDo you see what I see? Even if I can give a description that you can understand, how could you possibly know, from my perspective, how the world looks? Explain why this question relates to Russell’s argument about the two tables.**Note: Make sure to cite the readings, in order to get full credit. Also, each initial post should be a minimum of 400 words.

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