Literature  Discussion
May 14, 2023
Literature  Reply Discussion
May 14, 2023

Literature  discussion:phi2010

Question:As noted previous, Epistemology, the focus of this chapter, is basic to all other aspects of philosophy. Whether knowledge is obtainable or how it is obtained is the starting point for all rational discourse. In your initial post in this discussion answer these questions:1. State the difference between Rationalism, Empiricism, Transcendental Idealism, and Skepticism?2. Which of these general theories of Epistemology seem to make the most sense to you? Why?3. What do the correspondence, coherence, pragmatic, redundancy, and semantic theories say abut the nature of truth?4. Which theory do you think closest to understanding the nature of truth? Why?If you refer to information from the text, identify the location in parenthesis (MLA Intext Citation). In your replies, either support your fellow student’s answers or kindly refute them. Analyze reasoning, pointing out strong or weak premises or reasons as well as fallacies.  Philosophy is built upon successful written and spoken communication.

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