Literature  Due 2/6 (2 different questions 150 word each)

Literature  Introduction
May 14, 2023
Literature  “True Love”
May 14, 2023

Literature  Due 2/6 (2 different questions 150 word each)

1) Examine the following list of assessments types. Choose four and explain how you would use these to assess students in the elementary English language arts classroom.  Types of Assessment: •Authentic/Real-Life Simulations •Diagnostic Test •Formative Classroom Assessment Techniques •Observation Form/Notes •Portfolio •Reading Conferences •Reading Interview •Reading Record •Student Reading Log •Summative Essays/Projects2)Max Points: 5.0    Assessment is a contentious issue in education, particularly in English language arts where teachers are often expected to reduce critical literacy opportunities to address lower-order concerns and testing (The National Commission on Writing in America’s Schools and Colleges, 2003). Imagine the “perfect” evaluation system for elementary English language arts classrooms. Take into considerations the following questions and then describe what you view to be the “perfect” evaluation system and why. •Would students be evaluated on English language arts nationally? If so, how? •Would students be evaluated on English language arts statewide? If so, how? •Would students be evaluated on English language arts locally? If so, how? •Would students be evaluated by teachers in individual English language arts classrooms? If so, how? •Who would develop these assessment measures? •How would these assessment measures be implemented?

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