Literature  Theatre Play
May 13, 2023
Literature  Paper
May 13, 2023

Literature  for a blog

Week 4 (Two entries this week)5th Entry – Creative Nonfiction: In the preface to nonfiction (p. 2803 of your text), the editors tell us that creative nonfiction illustrates that “no direct duplication of reality is possible in language, that all writing is affected by the author’s point of view” (Baym et al, 2014, p. 2803).  Do you think that is true?  Can there such a thing as a truly reliable narrator?  Consider the excerpt from Danticat’s Brother, I’m Dying that you read this week as you prepare a response to this question.  How is this point made (or not) in Danticat’s writing?6th Entry – Conclusion: Write a summary and evaluation of how well you met the goals you set for yourself in the first week of class.each entry must be at least 125 words.

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