In 1-2 well-developed and well-detailed paragraphs, discuss one of the topics listed below. After you have posted your discussion, make sure you reply to or comment on at least TWO of your classmates’ posts. Each response should be detailed: a comment such as “good post” or “I don’t agree” is not developed; why is it good or why don’t you agree? Feel free to engage in dialogue with more students if you wish.1. What characteristics define Gilgamesh as a hero? Does his apparent metamorphosis (or change) affect or change your perspective of him as an epic hero? How does he compare/contrast to what we consider heroic today?2. Given the male-centered world of the culture, women (both mortal and immortal) exercise a surprising degree of agency and power in the epic. Provide some examples of this power and discuss the epic’s treatment of gender.3. Discuss the representation of fear of death and quest for immortality in Gilgamesh–what is the text telling us about man’s destiny and his pursuit for eternal life? Is there anything in Gilgamesh’s quest that reminds you of current quests for immortality or searches for the meaning of life?4. Compare and contrast Utnapishtim’s description of the great flood with Noah’s account. What do you make of the remarkable similarities in the two accounts?
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