Literature  world literature
May 13, 2023
Literature  Evaluating Research Questions and Qualitative Research Designs
May 14, 2023

Literature  Humanities

ObjectivesIdentify and describe elements and themes of artAnalyze an artwork by identifying the elements and themes that make it upInterpret an artwork by describing how its elements and themes create meaning or an experience for the viewer.InstructionsWe are beginning our investigations into art by considering the question “What is art?” “What does it do? and “Why do we care?”. To this end I am asking you to:1.  For the first part of our discussion you will be working to develop a list of important concepts for analyzing and interpreting art. You should post brief definitions of 4 important elements or themes of art from the reading that we might use in thinking about and analyzing art.2.  For the second portion of our discussion of Art you should find an artwork available on the web. Below are some links to get you started:o  Search the collection of the Art Institute of Chicagoo  The collection of the Museum of Modern Art in New Yorko  The collection of the Museum of Contemporary ArtAfter choosing an artwork you should describe it using the concepts from your list. Describe the work you chose using the concepts that your chose in the first part of the assignment.

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