Literature  life stages nutrition presentation

Literature  SHORT STORY assigment
May 13, 2023
Literature  Replies
May 13, 2023

Literature  life stages nutrition presentation

Create a 15- to 20-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation discussing the nutritional needs during a person’s different life stages (childhood, adulthood, pregnancy, lactation, and such). Include the following in your presentation:Define nutrient, energy, and fluid needs during each life stage.Describe nutrients of concern or special concerns during each life stage.Identify physical activity recommendations during each life stage.Discuss the following topics for the specified stages of life:Pregnancy – weight gain recommendationsLactation – benefits of breastfeedingInfancy – growth rateChildhood – helping kids develop healthy eating habits and bodiesAdolescence – helping teens meet nutrient needsAdulthood – aging and factors that affect itInclude speaker notes that detail the implications of each slide.Include a reference slide with citations in APA format.Include clip art.The Grading Guide for Life Stages Nutrition Presentation will be used for this assignment.

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