Literature  Literature Review – Genocide in Rwanda

Literature  Literature help
May 13, 2023
Literature  Lesson 4 Assignment: Legends Essay
May 13, 2023

Literature  Literature Review – Genocide in Rwanda

Assessment 1: Literature ReviewValue: 40%Length: 1500 words + reference listFormat: Double-line spacing, size 12 font single sided, black and white print.Reference Style: RMIT BusinessYour task is to review the literature relevant to the Course case study: Genocide in Rwanda:Leadership, ethics and organisational ‘failure’ in a post-colonial context. The case focuseson the organizational factors that played a role in “failing” to prevent genocide in Rwanda. Inparticular, it focuses on the interplay between key leaders and geo-political relations. Youshould review the literature related to decision making in organisationsA literature review is an examination of the relevant writings in a particular field or topic, notjust a summary of the chapters and articles you have read. Your review might incorporateindividual and group decision making behaviours, models and processes in anorganisational context. In the review, you should also express ideas, concepts, andarguments in a logical and coherent written form consistent with academic standards.The overall purpose of written assessment is for you to apply a broad and coherent body ofknowledge in a particular context. We will assess you and give feedback on your ability tocritically review the literature, analyse, consolidate, and synthesise knowledge in a clear,coherent, and scholarly manner.Important information:With the first assignment, the topic of the literature review is ‘decision making’ in organisations. You are to read text books and journal articles on ‘decision making’ that will help substantiate or refute the the various decision making model and processes that we discussed in the lecture.You only use the case study to provide examples for the theory….you do not read literature on genocide or Rwanda.You can also apply decision making  examples from business organisations as well

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