Literature  need a report done
May 10, 2023
Literature  Book Review Outline
May 10, 2023

Literature  New Testament 1

After reading pages 1-7 of Called by the Gospel and watching The Weatherman Explains the Bible video, write a 250-300 word response (double-spaced).Briefly comment on whether you think the bow-tie framework is helpful for understanding the overall story of the Bible; explain why or why not in a sentence or two. Then,mostof your paper should summarize how the Old Testament (the timeBEFOREJesus) is presented on the video.Watch Video: (1st chapter is attached, read pages 1-7)Called by the Gospel: An Introduction to the New Testament by Michael Middendorf and Mark Schuler. Wipf and Stock, 2007 or 2009 (revised edition).

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