Literature  REL 212_ Actionless Action (Daoism) and the Practice of Virtue (Confucianism) .

May 13, 2023
Literature  4-7 sentences
May 13, 2023

Literature  REL 212_ Actionless Action (Daoism) and the Practice of Virtue (Confucianism) .

Briefly describe the Confucian Virtues. What would happen if America practiced the Confucian virtues?Try wu wei. We should focus on the moment. “In doing mode our mind is so often preoccupied with thoughts about what is going on that we may be only vaguely aware of what is actually happening.” (Quote from The Mindful Way through Depression by Mark Williams et al.) In other words, we tend to plan our day while brushing our teeth. What do you think?Can Confucianism work in your business? Are there any famous Confucian or Daoist celebs out there?

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