Literature  Sampling and Collecting Quantitative and Qualitative Data
May 13, 2023
Literature  HLiterature
May 13, 2023

Literature  REL

TOPIC: The prophets played a significant role leading to and during the exile. At this time, messianic ideas blossomed. Please describe one of these messianic portraits drawn by the prophets. Please explain how these may have been understood in relationship to the Davidic covenant. Requirements:Length: 3-4 double-spaced, typed pagesTo meet the length requirement, the paper must be three full pages o Acceptable paper will end on the fourth pageStyle: MLA, 7th editionMLA style formatting is required for the paperDouble-spacedMLA formatted header (last name page number in the heading, not the text area)MLA formatted heading (Student Name, Instructor Name, Full name of class, Date in International format [i.e., 10 October 2012])MLA required titleIn-text citations are required and must have a matching entry in the Works Cited

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