Literature  Research Essay on Women’s Health Care

Literature  Why this Research Topic?
May 14, 2023
Literature  Hamlet
May 14, 2023

Literature  Research Essay on Women’s Health Care

Write an essay of500words for a total of 100 points on the following topic:Women across America are dependent upon the will of their state and the federal legislators, who are primarily male, as well as for-profit-health insurance companies; employers who provide insurance, and in some cases, religious organizations.  What impact do these entities have on women’s equality regarding reproductive rights as well as their socio-economic and emotional well-being?Key issues to consider: 1) Health care and gender equality; 2) the current state of government control over women’s health; 3) government or employers’ refusal to provide coverage for prescription contraceptives, and 4) the conflict between contraception and abortion vs. religious freedom.Remember to include your name and thetitleof this paper.  Since this is an open-notes/resources, you must include (in-text) citations of sources for dates, facts, paraphrases, and quotes from sources as well as works cited at the end.

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