Literature  Theatre
May 15, 2023
Literature  literature assignments
May 15, 2023

Literature  Research Proposal

Prompt: Integrating your understanding from the lecture and your assigned reading from the textbooks, develop and submit Microsoft PowerPoint slides of an oral presentation of Appendix D from the syllabus as if you were going to present your formal research proposal in front of an actual group.********************Prompt: Submit the Research Case Study Proposal. Refer to APPENDIX D for further instructions to complete the proposal.Prepare the research proposal using the following guidelines:A minimum of 20 pages not to exceed 35, typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman font, using APA standard for referencesTitle page, including title of paper, your name, course name and course number, date of submission (Page 1)An appropriate and applicable biblical principle associated with each major section and subsection of the research proposalA Literature Review of existing secondary research sources on your chosen subject of research (minimum 5 pages)A bibliography (also called Reference Page or Works Cited) with a minimum of 10 references are required, including the text, The Holy Bible (New Living Translation), books and articles from academic sources (Net Library), and other periodicals.

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